Posted in Opinion, Uncategorized


My friend came to my house last night and knocked on the door. We couldn’t hear him because we were outside. He comes around and we say, “why didn’t you just come in, it’s unlocked.” His reply, “I’m a black man, you don’t just walk into someone’s home.” And we all laughed, including him. And that’s the reality of it. We, in that moment, were light-heartedly acknowledging the fundamental error by society to target one group with hate based on arbitrary stereotypes. But in truth, it’s not light-hearted and the fact that a skin color or a sexual orientation or a gender means you have to grow up learning different ways to act towards a privileged class is discouraging. The fact that people grow up learning they are a privileged class and that’s always going to be the way of it is discouraging. The fault lies with tradition, historical convention, and long-established beliefs. It is our duty to overcome these beliefs and realize that change is progress and this progress needs to happen now. We have to be better as a society. Together. As one.

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