Posted in Contribute to Change

Contribute to Change: 147 Million Orphans

My original resolution for Contribute to Change was to post biweekly, contributing to organizations working to help others across the globe. While it’s fallen by the wayside slightly, I’m lucky to have two roommates who inspired me to get back to it with their recent trip to Honduras alongside 147 Million Orphans.FAITH AND JENNA

Jenna and Faith are sisters and it’s a pleasure to live with them. If you’ve met either of them, you know they’re giving people with loving souls. Rather than saving up to go on a summer vacation to the beach or a big city, they decided to visit a place that really needs help: Honduras.

The trip was through 147 Million Orphans, an organization providing the critical needs of children impacted by the orphan crisis and living in poverty. 147 Million Orphans says provision begins with the vulnerable child, but they also work to preserve families through sustainable income projects and community reconstruction. faith

This reconstruction is what Jenna and Faith’s trip entailed. I could tell you all about it, but Jenna wrote her own post and I encourage you to take the time to read it HERE.

I also invite you to join me in contributing to 147 Million Orphans and their efforts to end the ongoing orphan crisis cycle by clicking HERE.