Posted in Contribute to Change

Contribute to Change: #GivingTuesday

Tomorrow, many of you will sit down to a huge meal with the company of your family and friends. This time of year, is a favorite for many and I think a lot of it has to do with togetherness and the heightened awareness of being kind to others. That is, until you watch the news on Black Friday only to see some pretty bitchin’ retail fights. Fortunately, the world decided to piggy back off Black Friday and Cyber Monday with Giving Tuesday.  

piggy-bank-970340_960_720Giving Tuesday is a day where non-profits and charitable organizations call on you to donate. For many, it’s a major part of their fundraising for the year. Since I started my Contribute to Change blog, I’ve been giving on a monthly basis. I haven’t always blogged about it, so I wanted to share my experience ahead of this upcoming mass day of giving.  

First, decide what you can give. No matter your budget, if you feel the urge to give, you can. Take some time to figure out your expenses and see what you have left. If it’s nothing, volunteer your time rather than money or donate the next time you have extra funds. If you do have extra cash, make a decision on how much of this “fun money” you want to put toward charity. Every little bit helps.  

Second, decide what cause or causes are important to you. There are thousands of places you can do good with a donation. You can give to a local food bank, help a friend pay their medical bills, donate to a veteran organization or one that helps educate kids about agriculture. donation

Third, make sure the organization is legit. There are several websites that do this for you. They include Give Well, BBB Wise Giving Alliance, Charity Watch, Giving Tuesday 

Finally, share what you did with your family, friends and followers. While it may seem like you’re bragging about a good deed, you’re not. Since starting this blog, I’ve had the same reservations, but the only way to spread more kindness is to let people see your kindness. By sharing your generosity on Giving Tuesday you’ll spread the “if you can do it, I can do it” mentality and that is a form of giving as well. 

Happy Giving Everyone! 

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