Posted in Travel

MK in UK: Campuses & Upper Class

Author’s Note: One year ago, I decided to purchase tickets for the play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, even though I knew I’d have to travel to London to see it. I bought two tickets, not knowing who my travel companion would be. By some random chain of events, one of my best friends from high school decided to join me on the journey. Below is our experience, written in third person in hopes of making it feel more like a story and less like a blog post. All the accounts below are true, accurate and hopefully entertaining.

Day 7 – Cambridge and Oxford – Bus Tour

Megan and Katie wanted to get as much out of the trip as they could so they decided on a day excursion to Cambridge and Oxford. They each purchased a Golden Tours bus ticket and woke up early to make their way to the station. The girls stopped for coffee on the way and with it still burning hot in their hands, their rude tour guide said they couldn’t bring hot drinks on the bus. They threw them away, boarded the bus and sleepily enjoyed the nearly two-hour drive to Cambridge.

The group was given two hours on campus which wasn’t nearly enough time to see everything. The girls wander around to get some pictures of the historic buildings and stumbled upon a flea market. It had tons of cool local stands with interesting souvenirs and other items. It was a highlight of the short trip.

As Megan and Katie boarded the bus once again, they were handed the provided boxed lunch to eat on the drive to Oxford. Boxed lunches aren’t ever really that great, but this one was especially bland. It featured a cheese and cucumber sandwich, some chips (or crisps as the English call them), cookies and raisins. The girls were hungry so they made do.

Oxford was another beautiful and historic campus, but again they lacked enough time to explore. The tour guide made them follow him for the first hour so Megan and Katie only had one hour to sight see on their own which didn’t work out too well. They did get to see the main dining hall which inspired the Great Hall set in the Harry Potter films and the entrance to it was actually featured in the first film.

The “day tour” costs $120 and only amounted to two hours on each campus. Megan and Katie both felt doing the trip on their own would have warranted better sightseeing results.

Day 8 – London –Sightseeing and Aladdin

While Megan and Katie had been go, go, go the entire trip, they still hadn’t seen the bulk of London. The girls started the day with the Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace

Katie remembered this being slightly boring from her trip in high school, but figured it was because she was much younger and didn’t really care. Instead, it was just as boring and packed with people. It was still cool to see the palace and experience the long-time tradition.

St. James’s Park

The walk from the palace to Westminster Abbey was short and beautiful. They went through St. James’s Park which features trees, water and wildlife. It’s worth a stroll. Megan and Katie bought their tickets to the Abbey and found the architecture and the detail gorgeous. They skipped the audio tour so it didn’t take much time to make the rounds, but they were glad they got a look inside.

The Abbey is close to the aquarium so the girls decided to cash in on their combo ticket. They figured it would take a while to get through and thought it would be a fun experience, but when you’re used to the likes of the Omaha Zoo and its aquarium, nothing compares.

It was lunchtime after the aquarium and they chose a restaurant near it called Ba Fao Garden. The venue featured delicious Chinese dishes and plenty of food for the money. They also tried out the strawberry lime cider with their meal which was yummy and reminded them of a fruit soda.

Next, it was time for a nap at the hotel and another train ride to attend the Aladdin musical. Disney knows how to entertain both on screen and on stage. The play was slightly different from the film, but all the well-known songs were there and the genie stole the show. It was cheap, fun and made for an entertaining Friday evening.

Day 9 – London – Cave Bar and Relaxation

Megan and Katie were excited for their final day in the city, but they were also ready to go home. Luckily, Megan’s friend Kelsey told them to try out a bar she enjoyed during her time living in London. Gordon’s Wine Bar is in Westminster on the edge of a park. It has a long patio area and the actual bar is located underground in a cave. It’s old, damp and dark down there, but so cool. They have a huge variety of wine to choose from as well as cheese plates and other fare.

The bartender was welcoming and asked if they’d just finished a yoga class as both girls were wearing active wear. Once they told him they hadn’t been working out, he laughed and said “Oh, you must be American.” Megan and Katie got their first round free out of the deal and proceeded to spend a couple of hours there before heading to the Tower of London.

Unfortunately, it started to rain and they weren’t really in the mood to run around the fort. They took the “fast tour” by getting in line to see the Crown Jewels which were pretty and expensive-looking. After a quick peek and an attempt at souvenir shopping in the pouring rain, they headed back to the hotel to relax for a minute.

The girls had walked past Theo’s Simple Italian several times on their way to the train station and decided to give it a try on their final night. Megan and Katie enjoyed awesome bruschetta and pasta and some delicious gelato for dessert.

Day 10 – Travel – Luxurious Treatment

It was an early morning to get to the airport the next day, but as soon as Megan and Katie checked in – the fun began. They’d been bumped up to Upper Class on Virgin Atlantic and got to spend their two hours wait in the Upper-Class lounge. All the drinks and food were included and they enjoyed Bloody Mary’s and a big breakfast. Once they boarded the plane, they found their seats which were individual pods. They were offered champagne or orange juice to start and the 9-hour flight began. They could choose from several different dishes for the in-flight meal, had their own foot rest and headphones, and could drink as much as they wanted. It was a glorious end to a wonderful trip.


Posted in Travel

MK in UK: London & Harry Potter

Author’s Note: One year ago, I decided to purchase tickets for the play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, even though I knew I’d have to travel to London to see it. I bought two tickets, not knowing who my travel companion would be. By some random chain of events, one of my best friends from high school decided to join me on the journey. Below is part two of our experience, written in third person in hopes of making it feel more like a story and less like a blog post. All the accounts below are true, accurate and hopefully entertaining.

Day 4 – London – Warner Brothers Studio Tour

Katie and Megan had an early start to catch their train from Edinburgh to London Monday morning. Their first step was another cab to Armadale Station. Since these two apparently couldn’t get anything right, they found themselves stuck in the hotel lobby, the doors locked from inside out. Just as they began to panic, they spotted the large, easy to read sign on the front desk – “Push button for overnight assistance.” Another non-crisis was resolved.

Tower Bridge

Surprisingly, the 4-hour trip commenced without delay and they arrived at Kings Cross, finally in the city. Once they made it to their hotel, it was time to move out and make their way to the Warner Brothers Studio Tour to see the sets of the Harry Potter movies. Since they’d spent most the morning traveling, the girls hadn’t realized they really needed to eat. They had just enough time to grab a quick sandwich at the train station. Unfortunately, the sandwiches were served by a man with extremely pungent B.O. Trying to hurry and get away from the smell, Megan accidentally grabbed a bottle of carbonated water. She didn’t like it and was left slightly parched, but they both filled their bellies and made their way to the tour. img_7395.jpg

The tour is housed in two stage buildings with high ceilings and plenty of props and sets. If you’re a fan of Harry Potter or a fan of television or movie production, you need to see it. It’s expensive, but you get to take as much time as you want to make your way through the two buildings. You get to see everything from the Gryffindor common room to the Ministry of Magic set. You can learn about the special effects, the make-up, the costumes and other behind the scenes “magic.” The tour takes about 3 hours for most people and in the middle, lies the best part: Butterbeer ice cream. Butterbeer is a drink from the books and movies and is available exclusively at only five retailers in the world. Katie and Megan both agreed it was totally worth the trip.

After taking a step into the sets of one of Katie’s favorite tales, they headed back to the train station. Katie and Megan had received Oyster cards from one of their friends. These cards are an easy way to use the trains in London. The girls filled one card with money, thinking they could both utilize it throughout their stay. Once again, they didn’t know that each person needs their own card so they spent the first day or two sneaking one person onto the train. img_7620.jpg

The girls made their way back to Earl’s Court and sat down at the Blackbird Pub – a traditional London pub with quirky signs out front. They chose to eat fish and chips which turned out to be HUGE, but also delicious.

Another long day was over and finally, no plans were in sight. Katie and Megan slept for hours, missing breakfast altogether.

Day 5 – London – Sightseeing

Katie and Megan took their time getting ready and decided to continue their hop on hop off touring. They bought a two-day pass with Big Bus London. The double-decker tour featured several stops and great views. They took in a few sights and hopped off for lunch at Wellington. The bar featured local cask ales and a mac and cheese dish that was to die for.

After lunch, the tour continued and there are plenty of photos to show for it. The girls then headed for Tower of London, but discovered it was too late to get a proper look. Instead, they went for the docks and a river cruise. The boat tour was short and sweet, but the guide was witty and knowledgeable. You could purchase beverages and were able to see key London monuments. The boat docked up near the London Eye so the girls decided it was time for a bird’s eye view of the city. On their way, a couple in a pair of large sombreros asked Megan if she would take their photo. After two normal pictures, they asked for one more, turning their heads to the side so they could make out in their large hats. They hoped their several seconds of discomfort made for a photo masterpiece for the lovebirds.

The London Eye and County Hall

After some laughs and a short walk, they purchased a London Eye and Aquarium combo ticket and got in line. The combo tickets are a good deal. They include several options and allow you to visit the other venues within 90 days of purchase. The only thing: the London aquarium is sparse, but more on that later. The London Eye line is always long, but it really does move fast. Megan and Katie only waited 30-45 minutes to board the large Ferris wheel. The 30-minute ride was a spectacular view that allowed them to see up to 20 miles around London. It was a worthwhile experience, although after boarding the one in Vegas twice, Katie noticed this wheel was missing one thing: booze.

Once the ride was finished, the girls headed back to Earl’s Court for dinner. They settled on Zizzi’s, a cute Italian restaurant they found out was a popular chain. The pizza and spaghetti were excellent, but the best part was dessert. Megan and Katie scarfed down a white chocolate raspberry blondie with gelato on top. It was fabulous. After dinner, they grabbed a drink in the hotel garden bar, their new favorite hangout. Then it was time for bed and another day.

Day 6 – London – Harry Potter and the Cursed Child


The whole reason for Megan and Katie’s adventure overseas was finally here. It was the day they would see the Harry Potter play. This play is the 8th Harry Potter story taking place 19 years after the 7th book. The play is the only way to see this tale, minus buying the play script. London is currently the only place showing it, but it will open in NYC in 2018. Katie purchased these tickets in August 2016, 11 months before their trip. Thus, she was extremely excited to finally be seeing the show.

After collecting the tickets, the girls headed for a quick tour of St. Paul’s Cathedral – a beautiful place with hundreds of steps to climb to get to the top. It was well worth it to see the detail of the church and the view from way up high. The only thing that wasn’t worth it was the amount of sweat that came with climbing that many stairs and the fact that they would be sitting next to people at a play in just a few hours.

After airing out a bit, they went back to Palace Theatre to get in line for the play – two hours early. In fact, they watched the staff put out the barriers for the queue and were told to wait by the fire exit. The two-hour wait was long, but featured some entertainment along the way. A woman who was clearly disgruntled caught the attention of a theatre staff member and proceeded to loudly proclaim that their queue barriers didn’t leave enough room for a wheel chair to pass through. She continued her protest, telling staff they should be ashamed and generally causing quite a stir. img_7523.jpg

Eventually Katie and Megan were allowed inside the gorgeous and historic theatre. They kicked off the afternoon with two delicious Bloody Mary’s and found their seats. Ahead of the play they still had two seats in front of them that hadn’t been filled, but it was wishful thinking to hope they’d remain empty. Instead, two obnoxious British 20-somethings sat down – discussing various things in a very loud manner. This included the fact that one of the girls had to hide two bags of M&Ms in her armpits to sneak them into the play. Fortunately, the annoyance stopped when the play started besides her rustling through the M&Ms bag a few times.

After Part One, Megan and Katie decided to get a quick bite at The Spice of Life right across from the theatre. The bar featured small plates and the two enjoyed some potato skins and other delicious fare. They still had some time before Part Two so they headed to Mina Lima the gallery that houses the prints featured in the Harry Potter films. Mina Lima created all the graphic design for these movies. The gallery had several floors of exhibit space and plenty of gift items to buy for their friends. Katie and Megan then headed back to the theatre for Part Two.

The play is a total of 5 hours and 30 minutes, is a magical experience and features some special effects never seen on stage before. That’s about all that can be said as the creators ask the audience to #KeepTheSecrets and not to give anything away.

Up Next: Watch for the next post recapping Cambridge and Oxford, a cave wine bar and a high-class trip home.

Posted in Travel

MK in UK: Delays & Downtowns

Author’s Note: One year ago, I decided to purchase tickets for the play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, even though I knew I’d have to travel to London to see it. I bought two tickets, not knowing who my travel companion would be. By some random chain of events, one of my best friends from high school decided to join me on the journey. Below is our experience, written in third person in hopes of making it feel more like a story and less like a blog post. All the accounts below are true, accurate and hopefully entertaining.

Day 1 – Travel – Delays, Delays

Katie and Megan were ready to experience a 10-day excursion overseas, but their trip wouldn’t begin as planned. Since the two didn’t live in the same state, they had different routes before hitting the skies to Scotland.

DelayedKatie flew out of Nashville on time, but when she arrived in New York City, she realized Megan was delayed in Atlanta. Megan’s flight was supposed to leave at 5 p.m., but the delay clock kept ticking and Megan knew she wouldn’t make the 9 p.m. flight to Scotland. Thus, both Katie and Megan would be stuck in New York City for the night. Delta had rebooked them to leave a whole 24 hours later, cutting in to their 2-day trip to Edinburgh.

Katie waited and waited for Megan in NYC, booking a hotel room in Manhattan and hoping for the best. Regrettably, while Megan had finally boarded her plan and pulled away from the gate, she was also forced to wait and wait. After an hour of idling on the tarmac, she finally took off, landing at JFK at 11 p.m.

From there, these two tired and frustrated girls just wanted a warm bed. A ‘short’ Uber ride into Manhattan finally got them there with barely any luggage and a full day of travel behind them. After buying some gift store toothbrushes, they headed to their room. As they walked down a hallway like the ones in The Shining, they found a bellhop pushing a cart out of their room. Behind him was a disgruntled woman with dirty blonde hair and an adorable ‘service dog.’

The Wellington Hotel
The girls book a room at the Wellington Hotel in Manhattan after flight delays.

“Um, this is our room.” Katie said to the bellhop. The bellhop took her ticket and radioed the front desk. Megan started laughing hysterically, not believing this streak of bad fortune.

“You’ll need to return to the front desk,” said the bellhop as the woman explained she had switched rooms because her air conditioning didn’t work.

Another trip to the front desk, some more waiting in line and one more elevator ride found them in an empty hotel room with a king-size bed they had to share. The day was finally over and Katie and Megan fell promptly asleep, just shy of 3 a.m.

Day 2 – NYC – Sightseeing

Katie and Megan had time to kill before their evening flight to Edinburgh, so it was time for some NYC sightseeing. The girls dined on New York style pizza, enjoying huge slices of pepperoni, buffalo chicken and spinach and feta. With a busy day ahead, they finished their food and headed to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.

The 9/11 Memorial

The monument was beautiful and left them with heavy hearts. However, it was the museum that brought the emotions of that horrific day screaming back, almost as if they were there. Anyone could spend hours reading, watching and listening to the accounts of that day. Katie and Megan, however, had to move on.

The two made their way to 30 Rock for some entertainment, including posing for pictures with some life-sized Minions. They continued their route by walking through Times Square and Central Park. The girls didn’t have much time, but they took a second to enjoy the beauty of the park by relaxing on a jagged rock that turned out to be fairly comfortable.

Just a few hours later, they were at their gate waiting to board and hoping to end their streak of misfortune with a smooth flight overseas.

Day 3 – Scotland – Edinburgh

After 6 hours of flying and an hour in customs, the hope became reality and with bags in hand, Katie and Megan called an Uber and headed to their hotel.

Edinburgh, Scotland

It was 1 p.m. when the girls had freshened up and ordered a cab to get to the train station. While they’d already let out sighs of relief, the hiccups didn’t cease. The first cab did not take credit cards, so they hopped out, deciding on an Uber instead. Livingston doesn’t have the service, so the front desk had to order them another cab. That driver took them to an ATM, then dropped them at the station in Armadale.

Armadale Station is tucked back, several yards away from businesses and has a very desolate feel to it. The girls were immediately solicited for money, but that wasn’t the real concern. As they waited for the next train to Edinburgh, a group of loud, teenage boys approached. They kept passing both Katie and Megan closely and it seemed as if the group grew from two to six in no time. Although they kept to themselves, their vulgar language and demeaner made the minutes before the trains arrival seem longer. While the worry seemed a little silly, they were relieved to hop on the train once it arrived.

Edinburgh Castle

Once in Edinburgh, the vacation began with a beautiful city to explore. The hop on-hop off bus tour was cheap and allowed the girls to see everything. There are many sights to describe, but Megan and Katie spent most of their time touring three places. Holyrood Palace is the home of the Royal Family when they visit Edinburgh. It featured vintage and decadent décor along with creaky floors and tiny stairwells.

Next, they walked the Royal Mile, home to hundreds of shops and restaurants. It’s overwhelming and full of tourists, but it combines historic buildings with modern shopping. One of their favorite aspects  were narrow alleyways that always held some element of surprise including hidden stores, apartments and even garden areas.

It was hard to find space to write their names on the bathroom walls.

The main event for Katie was The Elephant House, the place J.K. Rowling wrote part of Harry Potter. The café was quaint, but also busy and you must donate money if you want to enter without ordering something. Their donation was worth it though and the two of them signed their names on the bathroom walls, just like thousands of others before them.

Several hours later, they returned to Prince’s Street near the train station. They ate dinner in a Scottish Pub and caught a train back to Armadale. The problem with trains is, when you aren’t used to them, you may or may not realize you must push a button to open the door to get out. Thus, these two stupid Americans missed their stop, creating even more distress. A Scottish couple said going one stop further would only add 15 minutes, but by the time they reached Armadale, their cab had gone. After what amounted to nearly an hour extra commute time, the girls were in their hotel room and able to clean up and go to bed, extremely exhausted.

Up Next: Watch for the next post recapping the Harry Potter studio tour, sightseeing in London and the Harry Potter play.